Chirality & Odour Perception
John C. Leffingwell, Ph.D.

The beta-Vetivones

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(5R,10R)-(-)-beta-vetivone - quinoline-like, fruity (cassis, grapefruit) aroma with a woody by-note ( the natural enantiomer)

= (5R,10R)-(-)-2-Isopropylidene-6,10-dimethyl-spiro[4.5]dec-6-en-8-one

 Ref: Helmut Spreitzer, Iris Piringer, Wolfgang Holzer, and Michael Widhalm, Structur/odor relationships of (-)- and (+)-beta-vetivone and their demethyl derivatives, Helv. Chem. Acta, 81, 2292-2298 (1998)

(5S,10S)-(+)-beta-vetivone - unpleasant cresolic, medicinal note

= (5S,10S)-(+)-2-Isopropylidene-6,10-dimethyl-spiro[4.5]dec-6-en-8-one

  Ref: Helmut Spreitzer, Iris Piringer, Wolfgang Holzer, and Michael Widhalm, Structur/odor relationships of (-)- and (+)-beta-vetivone and their demethyl derivatives, Helv. Chem. Acta, 81, 2292-2298 (1998)

Cyclic Terpenoid Odorants

Bicyclic Terpenoid Odorants

Acyclic Terpenoid Odorants

Ionones, Irones, Damascones & Structurally Related Odorants

Acyclics (Alcohols, Esters, Acids, Aldehydes)


Sesquiterpenoid Related Odorants

Steroid Urine Type Odorants

Sandalwood Type Odorants

Musk Odorants



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